
ad:tech tokyo

16th - 18th, October 2024


Thank you for attending
ad:tech tokyo 2024.

Yoshihisa Suzuki
Yoshihisa Suzuki
DENTSU INC. Managing Executive Officer
dentsu Japan President - Integrated Solutions

Yoshihisa Suzuki is the President (from 2017) of Dentsu Digital Inc., the award winning Japanese Digital Marketing Agency leader. He initially joined DENTSU INC. in 1990, which is the fifth largest advertising agency network in the world. He spearheaded and led numerous business areas such as the Marketing Division, the Business Creation Division, the Business Intelligence Division, and the Promotion Division. Under his leadership, ‘People-Driven Marketing’, the integrated framework for aggregating and advancing the Dentsu Group’s marketing methods, has been deployed in order to support companies’ sustainable growth.

What is ad:tech tokyo for you?
I think ad:tech is the "battle of knowledge" in marketing.
There is no need for compromise, no pitfalls, no order of priority, and the only requirement for both speakers and audiences is to participate in diversity, to exchange ideas, to enhance each other's individuality, and to discuss ideas with each other.